Today, we spend a lot of time in front of computer screens. Even when we think we are paying attention to our posture, it is very easy for the shoulders to droop and the back to slope uncomfortably. If you see a physical therapist, you are already aware of some of the changes you need to make for a healthier back.

These are the things your in-home physical therapist wants you to know about making your home office more ergonomic.

You Need a Reminder

There are many ways you can remind yourself to sit up tall. A sticky note may do the trick, or perhaps you want to invest in a device that buzzes at you when you aren't sitting up straight. Whether you buy a device or set a phone alarm to remind you to sit up every 15 minutes, you may need some extra help. Some people prefer to work at a stand-up desk because they find sitting too difficult.

Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle

Many people with back and neck pain don't get enough exercise. Fortunately, your physical therapist can help you work on exercises that help you build strength and flexibility. Working from home does not mean that you have to sit down all day. Getting some exercise and working with your physical therapist are both very important.

Move Your Computer Screen

You may experience more pain and tension in your shoulders and neck if your computer monitor or laptop is too low or too high. You want your screen to be closer to eye level. The good news about an in-home physical therapist? They can assess your work setup and help you determine ways to improve placement.

Choose an Ergonomic Office Chair

The chair you sit in all day will play an important role in your physical wellbeing. Your therapist may have advised that you use a chair with lumbar support so that you can sit back comfortably, keeping your knees level with your hip. Again, you may ask your physical therapist to look at your chair and see if you can make some improvements.

Stick to a Routine With Your Physical Therapist

Ultimately, your physical therapist will do a lot to keep your back and other body parts in good condition. It is important that you consult with your physical therapist about exercises, including stretching, so that you can improve your form. Regular appointments with your in-home physical therapist make this easier.
